Friday, July 25, 2014

It's Happening

I've made a life changing decision this month.

Spinal fusion surgery is happening!


I've been going back and forth on this decision for many years, months, seconds.... and finally made up my mind on a seemingly random day of the week. There were more endless nights of going back and forth. Still the insane Googling (which now I've switched to Instagram stalking using the hashtag #scoliosis and am happy with my endless stream of new scoli stories) all throughout the day. Reading my friend Dave's book (which you should totally read!) and talking with friends, family, coworkers and basically anyone who will listen.

After I told my awesomely supportive boyfriend and family, I made the call into my surgeon's office. My doctor's nurse seemed slightly surprised and wanted to get a little more information as to why I was suddenly calling up requesting an operation. I explained to her about my research over the last several years and about my concerns with an aging curved spine. She let me know that she's going to talk with the doctor and they will get back to me with more details and a surgery date.

Fingers crossed and hoping for a December time frame. More details very son.

**All I want for Christmas is a titanium spine.**



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